Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Day 16 Culinary III

Mots Du Jour        1/25/11
·         Jardiniere-Literally. “pertaining to a garden”; a mixture of carrots, turnips cutting in sticks, green beans and green peas. Cooked separately then served together as an accopaniment
·         Julienne-Cut into very fine strips
·         Jus- Juice; liquid made from pressing a fruit or vegetable or from the cooking of a meat
·         Lait-Milk
·         Lard-Solid fat from pork. Lard gras contains fat only, while lard maigre contains meat as well
·         Larder-To lard; to insert strips of pork fat into lean meats, using a larding needle, in order to prevent the meat from drying out during cooking
·         Lardon- A small piece or strip of slab of bacon
·         Levain- Starter dough; a dough made from live yeast and flour, used to make bread
·         Lever- To rise; to leave a dough to rise
·         Lever les filets- To fillet; to remove fillets of fish using a knife
Day 16
Beef Primals- Chuck, Brisket, Rib or Prime Rib, Short Plate, Short Loin, Sirloin, Full Loin, Flank, Round or Leg
·         Entrecore de boeuf grille beurre marchand
·         De Vin and black pepper sauce
·         Marrow Poached
·         Onion Rings- Pommes Parisienne, Haricots verts
·         Project #2 La Cuisine of Provence due 2/8
The best quality of beef is Prime, Second is Choice, Third is Select. Prime and Choice comes from the steer.
1000lbs on the hoof is about 450lbs of eatable meat
The difference between Choice and Prime is the amount of fat.
Select is dairy cow meat.  They only give Tender loin, Strip sirloin, ribs, everything else is ground up for ground beef. They add steer fat because meat is too lean.
Ribeye Steak- grilled with sauce on one half, other half is served with butter
Butter with red Wine-4oz per table Pg. 234 in LCB. Reduce by more than 2/3
Black peppercorn 1/2cup
Onion rings- Thinly sliced. Flour and deepfry
Pommes- Blanch 1 min, sautee in butter
Haricots Verts- Green beans, blanc, shock in Ice water, and sauté in butter and seasoning.
Black Pepper Sauce- Butter Shallots, Bay Leaf, Thyme, Salt. Sweat, add 1oz of black pepper, add more butter , sweat, deglace with 1oz of brandy, deglace with 1 cup of stock. Add 2oz of cream and reduce by 25% add a slurry of cornstarch & brandy
Marrow- Place in water, poach for 2 mins.

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